class NCMBQuery<T : NCMBObject>

Query handling class.

NCMBQuery is used to set search conditions, to search data from NIFCLOUD mobile backend.


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object Companion


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fun addOrderByAscending(key: String)

Set the conditions to search the data by ascending order with specified field name (key)

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fun addOrderByDescending(key: String)

Set the conditions to search the data by descending order with specified field name (key)

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fun count(): Int

Get total number of search result from NIFCLOUD mobile backend

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fun countInBackground(countCallback: NCMBCallback)

Get total number of search result from NIFCLOUD mobile backend asynchronously

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fun find(): List<T>

Search data from NIFCLOUD mobile backend

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fun findInBackground(findCallback: NCMBCallback)

Search data from NIFCLOUD mobile backend asynchronously

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fun or(queries: Collection<NCMBQuery<*>>)

Set the OR conditions to search the data that matches any one of the given query

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fun whereContainedIn(key: String, objects: Collection<Any>)

Set the conditions to search the data that contains value of the specified key

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fun whereContainedInArray(key: String, objects: Collection<Any>)

Set the conditions to search the data that contains elements of array in the specified key

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fun whereContainsAll(key: String, elements: Collection<Any>)

Set the conditions to search the data that contains all elements of array in the specified key

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fun whereEqualTo(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that matches the value of the specified key. NOTICE that if this search condition is set, you can not set other search condition for this key. OR if this search condition is set last, other set search condition for same key will be overwrite.

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fun whereGreaterThan(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that greater than the value of the specified key

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fun whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that greater than or equal to the value of the specified key

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fun whereLessThan(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that less than the value of the specified key

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fun whereLessThanOrEqualTo(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that less than or equal to the value of the specified key

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fun whereNearSphere(key: String, centerLocation: NCMBGeoPoint)

Set the conditions to search the data with location information, return data order by from near to far order, based on distance from centerLocation.

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fun whereNearSphereKilometers(key: String, centerLocation: NCMBGeoPoint, maxDistance: Double)

Set the conditions to search the data with location information, return data order by from near to far order, based on distance from centerLocation.

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fun whereNearSphereMiles(key: String, centerLocation: NCMBGeoPoint, maxDistance: Double)

Set the conditions to search the data with location information, return data order by from near to far order, based on distance from centerLocation.

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fun whereNearSphereRadians(key: String, centerLocation: NCMBGeoPoint, maxDistance: Double)

Set the conditions to search the data with location information, return data order by from near to far order, based on distance from centerLocation.

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fun whereNotContainedIn(key: String, objects: Collection<Any>)

Set the conditions to search the data that not contains value of the specified key

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fun whereNotContainedInArray(key: String, objects: Collection<Any>)

Set the conditions to search the data that contains elements of array in the specified key

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fun whereNotEqualTo(key: String, value: Any)

Set the conditions to search the data that does not match the value of the specified key

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fun whereWithinGeoBox(key: String, southwest: NCMBGeoPoint, northeast: NCMBGeoPoint)

Set the conditions to search the data with location information


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var limit: Int = 0

Limit search operator (default value is 0 (valid limit value is 1 to 1000))

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val mClassName: String
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val query: JSONObject

Get current search condition

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val service: NCMBServiceInterface<T>
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var skip: Int = 0

Skip search operator (default value is 0 (valid skip value is >0 ))